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Covid-19 Policies and Procedures

UPDATED- January 20th,2022

Childcare programs in BC are licensed and regulated through the Fraser Health Authority, The Ministry Of Health, and The Ministry Of Children & Family Development. As a result, Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD. may be directed by a childcare licensing officer or other governing body to close operations during a pandemic or other communicable disease outbreak. Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD. will follow all directives provided from the Ministry of Health. The legal authority to close a childcare program for public health reasons falls under the purview of the local Medical Health Officer and the Provincial Health Officer, and their decision overrules any decision to stay open that an individual Preschool or parents may wish to make. All decisions will be made with great care and thought. We follow all guidance from Fraser Health, WorkSafeBC and the Ministry of Health.

Childcare ratios are required during operation, regardless of a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak. In the event that enough employees are unable to come into work or are in a quarantine and ratio is not able to be met, Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD. may require to temporarily close or reduced operational hours or rotating days off between children. This decision would be made as required, and would be communicated with parents in writing, via email.

Health And Wellness Policy
Our health and wellness policy continues to apply during a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak, however, additional restrictions may apply, based on government/licensing officer directives. Any temporary changes to our health and wellness policy during a pandemic/ outbreak will be communicated in writing, via email, and will link to the authorized source of information that our temporary change is based on.

Please note the additional sanitizing, cleaning, & hand-washing procedures:


Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD. will be following hand-washing guidelines for both children and staff. Our program will engage in frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at the followingtimes:
• at the start of the day and before going home
• after going to the washroom
• before eating and after eating
• after getting hands dirty
• after coughing, sneezing, using a tissue, and blowing nose. Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD staff will help young children to ensure hand-washing is done correctly. If hands are not visibly dirty, we may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, should soap and water notbe readily available.

Cleaning And Disinfecting
Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD. will be engaging in frequent thorough cleaning every day, using routine practices that follow regulations for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. We will be routinely cleaning surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This includes surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, desks, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures. We have added 2 air purifiers that clean the air in the room while the children are present. At the end of each day, we spray our classroom surface areas (carpets, toys etc.) with "Benefact Professional Grade" Cleaner.


All plush toys will be removed from the centre, children’s personal toys will no longer be allowed within the centre. Toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized will also not be used. Our toy & equipment sanitizing method is to: Clean with water and detergent, rinse, sanitize, rinse again, and air-dry. At the end of each day, we will also spray toys with our "Benefact professional disinfectant" spray. 

Sensory play items will not be used at this time, including play-doh, sand and sensory
tables, as these items cannot be easily disinfected.

Preschool Arrival and Pick-up:

Parents are currently encouraged to stay outside of the building during drop-off. If your child requires you to come in to say a final goodbye, it is required that you wear a mask.

There will be designated spots for children’s personal belongings. Inside shoes will be kept at the centre. Each child will then be given hand sanitizer upon entering the classroom.


Daily Health Check

Staff will be doing a daily health check on themselves before beginning their workday. They will sign off that they are symptom free, and healthy to work. If a staff member has any symptoms, they are not to attend work and are encouraged to contact 8-1-1 and get tested if necessary.

Daily health check is a tool used to reduce the risk of a person attending a childcare setting when potentially infectious. Childcare directors should communicate to those who regularly attend a childcare setting (i.e., children, staff, parents or caregivers of children, and other adults) their responsibility to conduct a daily health check before attending or dropping their child off at the facility.

There is no need for a childcare facility to verify that a health check has occurred every day; similarly, parents do not need to submit a daily health check form to the facility. Childcare providers are not expected to screen other staff or children for specific symptoms or to take temperatures – these health assessments should be reserved for health care professionals. By entering the exterior doors of the building, you are confirming your child is well and symptom free to your knowledge.


Staying Home When Sick and When New Symptoms Develop

Staying home when sick is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Therefore, it is important for anyone who is sick to stay home. Staff or children who are experiencing symptoms of a previously diagnosed health condition do not need to stay home and should not be required to provide a doctor’s note to attend a childcare facility. Asymptomatic staff and children may still attend childcare settings if a member of their household develops new symptoms of illness. If the household member tests positive for COVID-19, public health will advise if self-isolation is required and when they may return to the childcare setting.

Children and childcare providers should stay at home when new symptoms of illness develop, such as:

  • Fever (a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher

  • Cold like symptoms (runny nose, congestion)

  • Sore, irritated or scratchy throat

  • Flu like symptoms such as extreme fatigue, body aches

  • Headache

  • Chills

  • Cough

  • Difficulty breathing (in small children, this can look like breathing fast or working hard to breathe)

  • Loss of sense of smell or taste

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or get worse, seek a health assessment by calling 8-1-1 or a primary care provider. If a COVID-19 test is recommended as a result of the health assessment, self isolate while waiting for results. If the COVID-19 test is positive, self-isolate and follow the direction of public health.

·  If the COVID-19 test is negative, return to the childcare facility once well enough to participate and 24 hours symptom free, without the help of medication.

·Feeling well enough to participate. If you are unsure, call 8-1-1 for advice. See the BCCDC website for more information on when to seek emergency care.

  • If Covid-19 test is positive, please let us know and take direction from Public Health or visit

  • You may return after isolating IF you have been symptom free for at least 24 hours, without the help of medication.

  • If you have been a close contact with someone with Covid-19 you are able to attend preschool as long as your are symptom free. Please continue to self monitor for symptoms.

If you are unsure, call 8-1-1 for advice. Or visit to complete a self-assessment.

See the BCCDC website for more information on when to seek emergency care. If a COVID-19 test is not recommended, staff and children may return when well enough to participate.

Appendix B: Daily Health Check Example

 The following is an example of a daily health check to determine if you or your child should attend a childcare setting that day. Remember, if you think your child is ill, please keep them at home.

 Daily Health Check 1. Key Symptoms of Illness Do you have any of the following new key symptoms? Quickly run through this in your head before sending your child to Preschool daily. If you are unsure if they should come or not due to their symptoms, please keep them home.

  • Fever (a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher

  • Cold like symptoms (runny nose, congestion)

  • Sore, irritated or scratchy throa

  • Flu like symptoms such as extreme fatigue, body aches

  • Headach

  • Chills

  • Cough or worsening of chronic cough

  • Breathing difficulties (breathing fast or working hard to breathe)

  • Loss of sense of smell or taste

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea and vomiting

If you answered “YES” to one or more of the questions included under ‘Key Symptoms of Illness’, or you have a fever or difficulty breathing, seek a health assessment. A health assessment includes calling 8-1-1, or a primary care provider like a physician or nurse practitioner. If a health assessment is required, you should not return to the childcare setting until COVID-19 has been excluded or your symptoms have improved for a minimum of .


If a COVID-19 test is recommended because of the health assessment, self-isolate while waiting for results.

  • If the COVID-19 test is positive, self-isolate and follow the direction of public health.

  •   If the COVID-19 test is negative, return to the childcare facility once well enough to participate and 24 hours symptom free, and without the help of medication.


Dr. Henry maintains that childcare centres can safely care for children if they are following the prescribed health protocols.

What happens if a child exhibits symptoms of COVID-19?
If a child develops symptoms while at Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD the child will be isolated in a separate area of the classroom. Parents will be notified to come and pick up the child immediately. Parents or guardians will then need to contact 8-1-1 or the child’s physician for direction, if required. If a child who attended a childcare centre, or their family member, is being investigated by public health to confirm whether they have COVID-19, or if public health has confirmed a case of COVID-19, direction will be provided by regional health authority nurses.

COVID-19 exposure at preschool

If a student or staff member is confirmed to have COVID-19, and were potentially infectious while they were at school:

  • We will send an e-mail to inform you if your child has been in close contact at Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD with someone who has tested positive for covid-19. You will be sent an e-mail with instructions to self monitor. If you have further questions regarding your specific situation, please contact 8-1-1. Again, all information is confidential so we will not be able to provide many details.

Public health may recommend:

  • Covid-19 testing

  • Recommend self-monitoring for symptoms, if necessary.

  • Provide follow-up recommendations, if necessary.

Parents, caregivers and families will be notified by Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD if your child was determined to be a close contact of a COVID-19 positive person while at Preschool.

Closure due to staffing:

  • Child care facilities are essential services. They should not be closed for public health reasons unless directed to do so by a Medical Health Officer. Facilities experiencing illness amongst staff may need to close for operational reasons if they are unable to maintain staff to child ratios as required under the Child Care Licensing Regulation. If this is to happen, you will be notified by e-mail with as much notice as possible.


Payments during closure:

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any missed time due to Covid-19 isolation, choice to stay home or closures due to staffing or other reasons. While we are closed or operating with a smaller class size all our expenses are still in place like staff payroll, rent, and other operational expenses. Again, this shows how important it is for us to stay home while experiencing any sickness. 

Day To Day Prevention
Staff will employ all necessary actions to limit the spread of COVID- 19. Some of these actions & policies are already part of the quality care provided through our programs. However, special attention will be paid to ensuring they are followed at this time. At the start of each day, staff members sign in and do a daily health check confirming that they are well and able to work. Staff members will be required to wear a mask while working on the floor with children. As of January 4th, 2022,a vaccination policy has been implemented to ensure all staff members working at Tsawwassen LF Preschool LTD,are vaccinated against Covid-19.

Authorized sources of information


A pandemic or localized communicable disease outbreak is subject to governance by official sources: our childcare licensing officers, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Children and Families, and the federal government. While we appreciate that social media and news sources provide an extensive amount of information, we will respond to official, authorized sources of information only.  


Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns, please Call or text Miss.Shantel's cell phone @ 604-202-4711 or e-mail

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